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Looking for jobs


In order to work in the UK, you will need a National Insurance Number (NIN) and your BRP card (within 6 months of starting employment)


If you are registered with your local Job Centre you will be supported with your job search. Some of the other support Job Centre can offer are:

  • Advanced payment whilst you wait for your first Universal Credit payment (request it during your initial appointment)

  • Support with writing a CV aligned with English standards

  • Travel fair to attend your job interview

  • Funds for purchasing an outfit for your job interview

  • Help to convert your qualifications to UK equivalent

  • Help with travel costs during the first 2 weeks of your employment

  • You can also bring original birth certificates to be photocopied and verified if you are anxious about sending the original forms when applying for Child Benefit


Please remember in the UK you don’t attach your picture to the CV.


  • Other popular job sites are:


You can also contact some of the employment agencies directly, some of them (based in Birmingham) are:

You can also contact Shaw Trust/WHP Pioneer for comprehensive job search assistance.​

WHP Pioneer will help you find a job or volunteer, because they have extensive experience in this and have a database of organizations that hire people for different types of work, in different professions.

How does it work?
- you are contacting WHP Pioneer for help
- you are interviewed to learn about your work experience, education, family circumstances, and the job you are looking for
- if you need to complete additional training/trainings to find the desired job, you are given this opportunity
- if necessary, they help you create a CV and Cover Letter, and train you on how to pass an interview
- they are looking for vacancies for the desired position and help you apply for this vacancy.

Important! People who currently cooperate with the Restart program from Job Center and those who are already officially working cannot apply for this assistance.

0800 389 0211

Employment law. (

Volonteering in England. (

For more information about UK job search and job search assistance organizations, visit the Migrant Advice Portal: West Midlands.

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