Medical care in England

Useful terminology.
The NHS - is the National Health System.
NHS app-mobile - application of the National Health System
NHS site - National Health System website
The NHS number - is a unique 10-digit number, such as 485 777 3456. this number helps medical personnel and service providers correctly identify you and reconcile your data with your medical record
GP surgery - the clinic where you are registered with your family doctor.
An appointment - an appointment with a doctor.
Phone numbers:
111- there is no threat to life, but an ambulance is needed
999 - there is a threat to life and an ambulance is needed
When to call 999 (life - threatening) - adults:
signs of a heart attack: chest pain, pressure, heaviness, or tightness in the chest
signs of stroke: the face leans to the side, can not raise both hands, difficulty speaking
sudden confusion( delirium): not sure about your name or age
suicide attempt: taking something or harming yourself
severe difficulty breathing: inability to pronounce words, suffocation
suffocation: with a liquid or something solid
heavy bleeding: splashing, dousing, or enough to form a pool of blood
serious injuries after a serious accident or assault
cramp (seizure): trembling or twitching due to an attack or loss of consciousness (unable to wake up)
sudden, rapid swelling of the lips, mouth, throat, or tongue.
When to call 999 (life-threatening) - children:
cramp (seizure): trembling or twitching due to an attack or loss of consciousness (unable to wake up)
suffocation: with liquids or solids
difficulty breathing: make grunting sounds or pull your stomach under your chest
can't wake you up: can't keep your eyes open for more than a few seconds
blue, grey, pale or mottled skin, tongue or lips: brown or black skin, gray or blue palms or soles of the feet
sluggish and dangling: the head tilts to the side, back or forward
heavy bleeding: splashing, dousing, or enough to form a pool of blood
for serious injuries after an accident or attack
signs of stroke: the face leans to the side, cannot raise both hands, difficulty speaking
sudden rapid swelling: lips, mouth, throat, or tongue
sudden confusion: agitation, strange behaviour, or incessant crying.
What happens during a call when you call 999.
The call operator will ask you a few questions:
location of an emergency (for example, zip code or any landmarks)
what happened (main symptom or cause of the call)
your contact number (in case they need to call you back)
If you are told that you will get a call back, make sure that there is someone who can answer the call.
Important! Calling 999 doesn't always mean that an ambulance will be called. You may be told that it is safe for you to get to the emergency room on your own, or that you should be examined elsewhere.
How to register for a Family Practice Clinic (GP surgery).
1. You must choose a Family Practice Clinic (GP surgery) in your area of residence Find a GP-NHS ( look at the Google map for reviews of clinics in your area and choose the one that you like.
2. Go to the clinic's website and check if you can fill out the online registration form for the clinic. If the clinic does not offer online registration, then you need to come to the clinic's reception and ask for a paper registration form. After filling out the paper registration form, you need to enter it in the clinic. The clinic does not have the right to refuse to register you. The exception is that the clinic currently has no available places for service. In this case, the clinic can put you in the queue and as soon as the seats appear, you will be registered at the clinic and informed about this by sending an email to your home address.
Video on how to access the system NHS Ukranian subtitled video explaining how to Navigate the NHS for migrant communities (
How to make an appointment with a doctor.
1. Using the NHS App.
2. By calling your clinic on the phone
If you need to quickly get to the doctor for an appointment, you need to call, as a rule, at 8.00 in the morning, or 15.00 in the clinic (at this time, clinics form an appointment schedule for the day.
Find out about the exact time of creating a schedule for the day in advance at your clinic). In this case, if there are places in the clinic, you can get an appointment with a doctor on the same day, or in the next few days.
The NHS app.
The NHS app provides access to a range of NHS services.
You can download the NHS app on your phone or tablet
Access your NHS account - NHS (
You can also access the same services in a web browser by logging in to the website NHS
After downloading the app, you must log in to the General Practice (GP) clinic where you are registered. This will allow you to have full access to the app.
Who can use the NHS app?
a person over the age of 13 registered with a GP, a general practice Hospital in England.
What can I do in the NHS app (with full access)?
Make an appointment with your general practitioner
Ask your doctor a question
Order a second prescription and specify the pharmacy where you can get the medicine
View your medical record
Book Coronavirus vaccinations and other vaccines
Register your donation decision
View your NHS number
Find NHS services near you.
Free dentistry - NHS.
You need to find a clinic that accepts NHS patients. This clinic can be located in any area of the city that is convenient for you. To find a clinic in your area, follow the link Find a dentist-NHS (
Clinics do not always have free places, so we advise you to look for dentistry in advance. If you want to be served at a particular clinic, you can ask them to put you in the service queue.
Urgent dental care.
Call your dental clinic (they can usually find the time to see you quickly).
Call 111 and explain your problem in detail so that you can be referred to the dentist. Here you will be helped if you have one of the following problems: severe pain, heavy bleeding, swelling of the mouth, throat, neck or eyes.
Seek help with NHS 111 online Get dental help - NHS 111
Contact an A&E centre if you have: severe bleeding, damage to your face, mouth, or teeth, severe swelling, or increased swelling of your mouth, lips, throat, neck, or eyes.
Find your nearest A&E service: find your nearest A & E - NHS (
Online medical care from Ukrainian doctors.
Urgent online consultation (paid).
To get an urgent online consultation, follow the instructions below
Through the system you can also receive telemedicine services both on a paid and free basis
To work in the system it is necessary to log in via a mobile phone - this is one of the methods of patient authentication in the electronic health system (esos).
What should I do if I don't have access to a Ukrainian mobile phone?
👉 If you still have access to the previous number:
📲 During your doctor's visit, you may be asked to change your authentication method. After that, the" old " number will receive a confirmation code, which must be called to the doctor. If the confirmation is successful, please provide your current phone number to your doctor.
👉 If access to the previous number is lost:
📲 You can apply for a change in the authentication method on the NSZU website (
After that, contact your doctor to enter your new phone number in the system. Also, NSZU specialists can update your phone number in the system upon appropriate request (
Live well!
You will find many useful recommendations on the NHS National Health Service website Live Well - NHS (
Mental health
Calculating body weight, healthy weight
Tips for a balanced diet
Sleep and fatigue
Tips for drinking alcohol
Smoking tips
Drug addiction support
Sexual health and other topics
We wish you good health!
For more information about the healthcare system and beyond, visit the Migrant Advice Portal: West Midland